Managing Anxiety!

By Kunal Deshpande

Joy, Happiness, Anger or any other emotions like fear and worries are part and parcel of our lives. Just like we feel happy when we experience joyful events similarly to understand its value, we need feelings of fear & sadness.

If the fear of anything or to succeed in anything is not there the working towards it becomes devoid of enthusiasm. Just like while learning to ride a bicycle in our childhood, we need to learn on our own in spite of the fear of falling down or getting hurt. And when we get mastery of riding a cycle we feel tremendous joy over our accomplishment. To succeed we need challenges and a sense of positive fear.

Only when the feelings of fear and worries remain there for a long time and start interfering in our work and our capacity to work gets low, then it takes the form of a Disorder.

In every human being s; life, some lurking fear is always there. Talking to a stranger, being in a new place or crowded place, staying alone, fear of not being able to do any work, feeling of guilt, all these when you take a form of worry, then it is called Anxiety. Many times the cause of the fear is unknown. When one is afraid or anxious, one experiences pounding of the heart, sweating of the palms, trembling of the feet or even blackouts. These can be just momentary.

Because of this worry and anxiety our ability to work gets affected leading to avoidance and clinically terms or procrastination. Avoidance or procrastination leads to momentary relief but at times we become a laughing stock before people.

On account of too much worry we get into the habit of overthinking affecting other areas of life as well. So, the more we worry, the more we get engulfed into it. One needs to face the worry and anxiety and work towards the solution and then it will disappear. Instead of overthinking, one can get into action mode. “face the fear and fear will disappear”.

So don’t Worry, be Happy… and even if worry persists, then try these hacks: Use the sensory modalities to do these exercises:

  1. Look at 4 things that have calming effects: Blue Sky, green tree, long highway in front of us, Fishes in the aquarium, greenery on the lawn.
  2. Close your eyes and feel the sensation of the cold surface beneath one’ feet, or the softness of a shawl, or feel the sensation beneath your feet of the green grass of the lawn.
  3. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you: noise of the fan, or sound of the cycle bell or chirping of the birds.
  4. Smell the fragrance of a coffee or the lipstick.
  1. Taste the sweetness of fennel seeds or cardamom. 

When we focus on these things, Anxiety, worry or fear will disappear slowly, but surely. We you difficult to do this exercise then while seated concentrate on your breathing with the following 3 steps:

  1. Slowly count 1 to 7 as you hold your breath.
  2. Count 4-3-2-1 in your mind while your breath.
  3. Then slowly count 1 to 7 as you exhale.

Follow these exercises regularly to manage your fear and worry!

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